Friday, January 27, 2012


This is where my poor rooster spent the night. ...
 He flew the coop while I was putting new straw in the nesting boxes.  My grandson and I tried to round him up before dark. but to no avail.   We trudged around in the snow trying to convince him that the coop would be better that outside on a cold winter night. He was being unreasonable, night was setting in and we were freezing.  So after a few more attempts we gave up .....feeling bad for the poor guy.  As I lay in bed feeling guilty, I thought of my magazine cover showing a chicken with leg warmers and a hat.  I bet he wished he was that chicken!

In the morning I found him sitting next to this tombstone.  Cold but OK.  He did find his way back into the coop. and all his buddy's gave him a few cock a doodle dos.


  1. What was the name on the tombstone? Just wondering... maybe he's a relative to the rooster. (Maybe you should name him that?)

    SUE! It was tremendous running into you at Wal-nuts. You seem like such a lovely person (with such glowing skin !!!! You look like you're 20!!!!) Thanks so much for saying hi. I'd love to pop over to the farm sometime in the summer and admire your bees ( as long as I don't get stung...)

    1. I am planning to name my rooster after the name on the tombstone...just as soon as some of the snow melts. Loved meeting you guys! It felt like I was meeting a couple of celebrities....Please drop over for coffee and your jar of honey any time Don't worry about getting stung...I have an Epipen!

  2. Hi there, was referred over here from Cathy's blog. She said you needed some attention over here?!? I'm a sorta neighbour too, living in Orillia...

    1. Hi Ron,thank's for dropping by my blog.....Orillia is just a stone throw away!

  3. AH A local connection. I'm in Northern Markham near the big cathedral on Woodbine. Love that you have your own chicks. Will be back:)

  4. Thanks Kleinste ...I iove my chickens too...they are such funny creatures,always interesting and fun to watch. I do have to make alot trips to the coop to make sure they have water and not ice!
